Jaded and washed out.....a rest for the soul.
Are any of us feeling a little jaded today, a little bit washed out, feel like you’ve done three cycles in a hot wash, been wrung out and left out to dry but there’s no warming sun, no warm breeze to take away the dampness and remove your creases and you fear this will go on throughout the weekend…or even longer!
Take heart, God hears you, God sees you, He’s aware of your situations.
Let’s be like David for a while; only a few verses in Psalm 131 but see David’s humility, see David declaring his trust, see David calling for people to have hope...calling us to have hope.
Here’s the Psalm
O Lord, my heart is not lifted up;
my eyes are not raised too high;
I do not occupy myself with things
too great and too marvellous for me.
But I have calmed and quieted my soul,
like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child is my soul within me.
O Israel, hope in the Lord
from this time forth and forevermore.
Make this personal for you, see it as being about your contentment, your ability to experience a quietness of the soul, contentment that’s not dependent on your current situation or your abilities to deal with anything in your life. This is not any old contentment, this is a contentment that is dependent on God, His commitment to us in Christ Jesus.
Think of yourself as that weaned child sat peacefully on its mother's lap, you’re not still hungry, you’re not rooting around for food, you are a child content with how it feels on its mother's lap, snuggled in and settled...but it's not your stomach that’s troubled is it, it's your heart, your soul; consider yourself as David did, at rest, content, satisfied, experiencing joy and peace in the secure, loving presence of God.
Know that this contentment, this stillness stems from hope in the Lord. Turn now to the Lord, rest in His power, His grace and His wisdom, let's join with David, “come on Israel” he says “come on and trust God” and God is saying “come on my children” come now and put your hope in me, find your rest in me, calm your troubled washed and wrung out hearts in my presence, come onto my lap, trust me, be fed by me, be content and be at peace, take heart and rest awhile.