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Citrus Fruits

seasoned saints

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit. John 15:16

They still bear fruit in old age;
   they are ever full of sap and green, Psalm 92:14

A Christian of some years and a fully signed up "silver surfer" I still find myself wanting to discover more of God from Scripture, more of His savour Him, to truly enjoy Him, to be satisfied in Him....and to ponder the things I don't yet understand (and there are lots!!) join with me and let's discover more together...and if you want to know more about me please read my "About" section.

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Why a blog?

...because there is always more

The Bible, God's Word, is the most precious treasure we can ever hold in our hand; it is God revealing Himself to us. From Genesis through to Revelation, the Bible is an account of the fall of man and of God's plan for his redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ. It is God's plan for fellowship with His creation, with us.

As we grow older, it's easy to develop a "know it all" attitude, but where the Bible is concerned, this can never be. I'm hungry for more of God, hungry to see what He intended me and everyone to understand in His Word. I want to know more about God’s intentionality when he inspired people like Paul and John to write.

This is what interests me, and I want to share my passion for God’s Word with my readers. 

This blog is for the older lady, the seasoned lady, not necessarily seasoned in the Word of God but seasoned through the challenges of life, the challenges of ageing. You could be a long-time Christian with a lifetime of Christian experience, but equally, you could be a lady who has only recently come to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and you are hungry to learn more. 

Regardless of your situation, biblical wisdom isn't proportional to years of Christianity; it is possible that despite years of being a Christian, you may not, for whatever reason, have advanced beyond the elementary teaching of Christ; you’ve perhaps not grasped a full understanding of the doctrines that are the foundation of your faith. You are aware in your heart what you believe, but do you have enough knowledge and understanding of the Bible to be able to defend the basics of that belief? Are you able to give a reason for the hope that is in you? 1 Peter 3:15

To be a disciple is to be a learner, to be a lifelong learner committed in your heart and mind to follow His words, deeds, and will forever regardless of what you have gone through in life; there is always more with God, always more to learn. 

I hope you enjoy browsing my site and all the content I have to offer. Perhaps it will strike a chord or two. Hopefully, it will encourage you on your journey with Christ.

Take a look around, and I hope you like what you see. 

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Leigh, Wigan

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